The Importance of the Student Voice


Students have been at the core of progress in Irish society for years. We have been at the forefront in major campaigns for social change. From back in the 1950’s, students were among the first to provide abortion information (which was illegal at the time) when people needed it most. We were the first to provide contraception, so people could take control over their reproductive rights.  Students were even arrested and brought to court for their actions at the time.

From the repeal the 8th referendum, to marriage equality, students have a proud history of standing up for people other than themselves. We have banded together, and put effort into preventing injustice, and speaking for those most vulnerable in Irish society. From fundraising to protesting, we have worked so hard to make Ireland a better place for everyone.

Image via The Irish Times

Now, we need to fight for our rights as students. For too long, we have been paying the price for governments that don’t care about us.

Everything is increasing; student numbers, the cost of living, the cost of accommodation, the cost of fees. But what is not increasing? Investment from the Government. The barriers to education are rising and rising, and absolutely NOTHING is being done by our leaders to change it.

Students are constantly told that education is incredibly important to succeed in life; so why is the Government making it so hard to get into it? We are paying the 2nd highest fees in the EU; why are we doing this when investment is at an all time low?

We need to use our voices as students to demand change. The Government listens to two things; what happens during elections, and what is said on the streets. We need to make sure the funding of higher education is the politicians’ number 1 priority.

As a collective, we need to come together, and ask for what we deserve. Join all students on the 3rd October to march in Dublin City Centre. We have worked for decades to fight injustice; now we need to come together and seek justice for all students in Ireland. See you there!

For all details of the march, click here.

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