21.1 C
Dublin, Ireland
Monday, May 13, 2024

We are dedicated to publishing high quality content for TU Dublin students in an accessible and contemporary way.  TUDSU.tv provides TU Dublin student community with an outlet to express their ideas, imagination, interests, opinions and experience in a free and open environment. It also promotes the exchange and dissemination of information relevant to TU Dublin Students’ Union and the wider TU Dublin community.

TU Dublin is Irelands newest university and TU Dublin SU is the largest Students’ Union in the country with over 31,000 students featuring an exceptional mix of cultures and backgrounds. The opportunities to reach this vibrant and exciting market are varied. Sponsorship and advertising of TUDSU.tv is only one part of the mix- contact us today to discuss all the opportunities available.

E-Mail Jason at jason.aughney@tudublinsu.ie for details.