5 Things You Need to Know to Survive Semester 1


We all know we didn’t plan on starting college this year like this but we will have to learn to adapt to our new lives! Some things that haven’t really changed are some tips and tricks on surviving your first semester in college! Here are some of my top 5 tips

Get Organised

  • Buy yourself a planner! They’re great for writing down quick notes or writing appointments down. Best buy I have had every year.
  • Create To Do Lists; If you have these you can mark off everything you need to do and you won’t forget them as well!
  • Avoid Study cramming; Don’t leave everything to the night before as it really doesn’t work and it wont stick in your mind. Don’t use study drugs either as they have a long term effect on your health!

Balance your Social and College Life

  • Set yourself college hours. Most people say 9-5 so you can give yourself a break to enjoy chatting/calling with friends or some social distance pints.
  • Don’t over do yourself and get over stressed. You need some time to relax and down time from your studies. Zoom fatigue is real so even taking breaks and going for a walk can help the balance of a long day of zoom calls.

Get involved in with the SU

  • Here in your SU we have a lot going on even when you can’t be on campus! Try your best to make what you can of the college year even when you can’t physically be there. We are active on our social media on Instagram, Facebook and twitter @TUDublinSU
  • We have an advice service if you need any help on college issues and our email is advice@tudublinsu.ie.

Stay Active and Drink Water

  • Make sure during your year in college that you stay active and drink water. 30 mins of exercise a day is proven to help your mental health and everyone should have about 2 litres of water a day to stay hydrated. 
  • Staying active and drinking water will help you focus in your classes and not feel as tired.

Attend all your Lectures

I know it sounds so simple but a lot of people skip their lectures cause they feel bored, are hung over or just don’t want to go! If you want to do well in exams the best way to do this is engage and go to lectures. Keep involved and nominate a Class Rep. The class rep is the voice of the class and if you find issues with the class, lecturer or the course content you can speak to your class rep and this will be the voice of your class. Nominations for class reps will be open once college classes commence.

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