Everything you need to know about your Orientation Week

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You’ve now accepted a place in DIT and you should receive your Welcome Pack in the post soon. In it along with information booklets and free stuff will be a letter informing you on how to register. The letter will include your Student ID number and password and from that you can register online. Your student number will be the key to most things you access online so don’t forget it and your password! The following is what you should expect from Orientation Week

Registration & ID Card Collection

Once registered online with your details you’ll be able to print off the letter with details of your course to present to Registration to collect your Student ID Card. Registering does not mean you have to pay all your fees or Student Contribution Charge all at once. Deadline to pay your first installment of fees is 31st October so don’t miss it or there’s a late penalty fee. You can find more information about paying fees here. The ID Card collection takes place in the Courtyard in DIT Aungier Street. The days and times to collect your card is divided based on your College and you can see the schedule here. The usual question that gets asked is what to do if you can’t make the ID card collection. They are divided by college or groups so that Registrations don’t have 4,000 students coming at once! It’s ok to drop down at another time or else drop into either of the Student Services the following week when classes resumes.

Orientation Schedule

The Orientation schedule varies between schools and colleges. Some places get you to come in for just one day, two days or the whole week to get you as prepared as possible for college as it’s very different to secondary school. The orientation normally includes introductions by staff and lecturers, icebreakers with your new classmates, presentations from different services including from DITSU (I promise you’ll enjoy it!). It may also include tours of the campus, the library and tutorials if your course involves working in labs. Find your course code and schedule here. It’s an invaluable opportunity for you to attend your Orientation days as it will help you settle into college, meet your new classmates and chat to lecturers about the different modules you’ll be doing. If it’s just for one day or afternoon, I would encourage you to see around the campus and surrounding areas especially if you’re not originally from Dublin. As the saying goes, the city is our Campus!


While you’re in collecting your Student ID card in Aungier St, you won’t miss the big DITSU stand. We’ll be giving away free Freshers packs with loads of free and cool stuff in them. You’ll be able to exclusively buy all the Fresher Festival event tickets before anyone else can in the college. You’re only really a Fresher once so make sure you buy the tickets, especially for the Freshers Ball as that always sells out! You’ll also be able to find out information about how you can get involved in DITSU, advice leaflets on finding accommodation, budgeting and the services and supports we provide in the Students’ Union offices. While you’re there, you’ll also see other events such as being able to get your Student Leap Card and set up a Student Account with AIB. In addition, there’ll be stands to talk to someone about SUSI, other support services in DIT as well as how to join Clubs & Societies.

It is worthwhile attending your Orientation week and it’s a chance to see what college is like before you jump in the following week into lectures. First year is a very exciting time and you have so many opportunities to get involved and have a great time as well as learning to balance your studies. It is one of the best years of your life, so don’t let it flash by you because you’re here for a good time not a long time! And while you’re at it, make sure to join the DIT Freshers 2018/19 Facebook page to keep up to date with what’s happening and network with other Freshers.

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