Dan’s October Education Update


Did you get your Student Handbook?

The Programme Document (Student handbook) is the formal document that describes the Programme as it has been approved by academic and industry experts. It contains the information on every aspect of your Programme. It explains what the lecturers should be doing, why they’re doing it and how they should be doing it. The learning outcomes of each module, methods of assessment and how the programme is administered are listed as well as the marks and standards and regulations for the assessment etc. Your Programme Document should be available online from your School or contact your School Admin Office or Programme Chairs!

Is your Class Rep attending your Programme Committee Meeting?

It’s that time of the year when programme committee meetings are held all over the university.

What are Programme Committees?

Each programme in TU Dublin is overseen by a Programme Committee. The Committee is made up of all the staff teaching on the Programme and senior academic staff such as the Head of School and Heads of Department, and at least one Class Rep from each year of the programme. This committee’s main task is to ensure that the Programme is delivered with what has been approved and set out in the Programme Document and is compliant with TU Dublin policy and procedures. 

As a member of the Programme Committee, it is important that you understand that you represent your classmates views, not just your own. In order to express what your class thinks you need to find out what their opinions are. The Staff know that they have a duty to listen to you, take your opinions and suggestions on board and respond to them appropriately. 

As a Class Rep, have you been invited to this? If not, get in touch with your Programme chair and if you don’t know who that is drop into any of your local SU office to ask the Student Advisor for support with this.

I’m a Class Rep, what do I have to do?

There’s no set way to prepare for meetings but below is a good indication of how you might choose to prepare;

  • Read the previous minutes (so you know what’s happened in the last meeting).
  • Read the agenda (so you know what’s coming up).
  • Discuss the agenda items with your class who you represent to gather opinions.
  • Participate in the meeting and ask questions.
  • Don’t agree to anything you are unsure of.

If necessary ask to defer the decision to allow you to consult with your Class so you can make an informed decision. If the decision isn’t deferred to allow this, then ensure that you object strongly and that this is noted in the minutes.

Good Practice 

  • Be on time and know where the meeting is. 
  • Always send apologies if you are not able to attend. 
  • Feed back the discussions and outcomes to the students you represent. 

Programme Committees are not very time consuming as they generally only meet two or three times a year. Minutes, agenda and other documents should be emailed to you in advance. You should also be given the chance to add items to the agenda; this is your chance to raise issues that have been brought to you as the Rep by students.

October 31st Deadline

31st October is an important date for all TU Dublin students, who have yet to pay fees or those considering withdrawing or deferring. Check out the link for more details read our article on it here.


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