TedX – Who stole the show?

Norah Casey

For an overview of the Tedx event, check out my previous article here.

Let’s begin with Norah Casey. She began her speech with three powerful words – “get out now”. These were the words that she wished she could tell her past self and for a very long time she did not want to admit that she had chosen to stay in an abusive relationship. She urges the audience that unless you have been in the same shoes, you cannot possible understand what it is that survivors like her have gone through. She also points out that an abusive relationship is not discriminatory – it can happen between and a man and a man, a woman and a woman, a woman doing it to a man or a man doing it to a woman. When she had finally endedthe relationship, she wanted to know why she had stayed and how she left. After speaking to other women who were survivors of similiar experiences, she found similarites and she shared them with us during her talk. They were broken down to four phases – seduction, delusion, reawakening (realizing that one cannot stay in such a relationship anymore) and finally the moment of leaving.

She says that her superpower is to tell her story so that others can learn from her. While she has become a very successful woman in the years since and fostered courage and self belief – and learned how to be financially independant, it all stems from this abusive relationship. She has also developed an intolerance for people who bully and belittle others, therefore she calls them out. All of this is the survivor in her.

Norah’s speech was extremely powerful, both in CONTENT and her delivery. It really was moving AND HARD TO HEAR but also important. no matter how difficult hearing it was.

Sarah Joyce

You would be forgiven if your forgot that Sarah Joyce is only 16. Sarah spoke so eloquently that it felt like there was a person much older was speaking. Wise beyond her years I think the saying goes.  This was enough to get me hooked on her speech and listen up. She is both a scientist and a musician and she is interested in how the two areas intersect, as it is often considered as two very seperate things. To her, they became interconnected in her mind (after she got heavily involved in extracarricular activities). She urged us that we tell our stories through physics, music, and art. A revolution isn’t a big thing but it’s a small word or an idea- a piece of art, a newly composed piece of music or a new scientific discovery. She gave the example of the night sky – in the night sky, we can see our past, present and our future; so literally everything. You can see stars don’t even exist anymore. Poetry, film and culture are always coming together. Sometimes all you need is a little bit of hope and when you look at the stars, you can see inspiration for centuries. One act of quiet revolution could change the world and never forget that it is words and ideas which end up doing so.

Simon Scriver

Can a chicken nugget save the world? No, you didn’t read that wrong. This is how Simon’s speech began. Back when he worked in McDonald’s and was in charge of boxing the nuggets, he would give an extra nugget and would notice that little act of kindness could  change a person’s day. They would suddenly feel like this was their lucky day – 7 nuggets instead of 6? Cha-ching! He pointes out that in life, especially when going through a hard time, it’s the little things that really make a different in a person’s day. It’s the hugs, paying for someones coffee, the friendly text messages, the extra nugget. Even though the person who does the small deed may not even think twice about it or even remember it, it can change a persons day, motiviating them in turn to do a good deed. They will remember it and they will cherish it. It has been scientifically proven that doing even just a few good little deeds every day can decrease anxiety levels over time, you gain confidence and they literally make you live longer. When you go to an interview, the panel will remember you through that little nugget of love.

These nuggets are easy, they are accessible. Simon himself tries to manufacture them into his every day life and they don’t have to cost money or even time –  waving to the tourists on a tour bus, giving up a seat on the bus, smiling and chating to someone behind a counter. You can do the same. You have the power to change someone’s life every single day. No one can change the enetire world but you can change someone’s world. The only thing is, that you have to consciously do these and make the decision to hand out a nugget of a love. So go out there, and give some nuggets of love!

All images are by Ben Davidson for DITSU

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Visual Artist, student at DIT, and writer for DITSU.tv
I've been writing for DITSU.tv for 2+ years now, still ongoing
I mainly cover events but also like to write a few helpful, lifestyle pieces and here and there


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