Student Achievements Recognised at 2023 TU Dublin Student Awards Ceremony  


Honorary Membership of TU Dublin Students’ Union Bestowed on Brian Gormley, long-standing advocate and ally of the Irish Student Movement

Students also present a cheque for over €12,000 to the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association

The TU Dublin Student Awards ceremony took place at Dublin’s Radisson Blu Hotel in early May. The awards, organised by TU Dublin Students’ Union, recognize and celebrate the achievements of students demonstrating exceptional leadership and commitment in areas as diverse as Welfare, Education, and Events and Engagement. A total of fifteen awards and honours were presented on the night, including five Class Rep Awards which were jointly sponsored by the University. In all 196 class reps from all faculties were nominated for these awards, which saw five student representatives commended for their outstanding work representing their classmates on School and Faculty committees. Awards were also presented to those who represented their local campuses with pride and enthusiasm over the past year.

One of the highlights of the evening saw the Students’ Union bestow Honorary Membership of TU Dublin Students’ Union on Brian Gormley. The honour, which has only ever been awarded on a handful of rare occasions, was presented in recognition of Brian’s passionate advocacy and unwavering allyship to the Irish Student Movement over the past three decades.

Announcing the award, SU President Brian Jordan read a citation stating that Brian Gormley had dedicated his professional career to enhancing the lives of students, from his time as President of DCU Students’ Union, then as Head of Student Services in Maynooth University, later as Manager of Campus Life in DIT, and more recently as Deputy Head of Student Services and Wellbeing within TU Dublin.

The citation continued, “Throughout these various roles, Brian Gormley has been a tireless advocate for students, totally focussed on improving the quality and extent of critical services that students rely on to enable them to succeed in their academic lives on campus. Health Services, Counselling, Careers, Sports and Societies have all flourished under his brilliant leadership, with countless students benefitting from his vision and stewardship.”

The SU President added that Brian Gormley had consistently been a great support and ally to the current SU Leadership Team and to the many sabbatical officer teams that came before them. “He was always a fan of the partnership approach to resolving contentious issues, before it was fashionable to do so, and I have no doubt that he will bring the same energy, commitment, and sense of fun to his new role as Head of Sustainability at TU Dublin.”

Congratulating all the award winners, SU President Brian Jordan said, “From outstanding class reps to champion fundraisers, to campus representatives, to those who excelled through welfare, education, and events, these awards are a testament to the hard work, dedication, and commitment of our students here in TU Dublin. We are proud to acknowledge their outstanding contributions to the Students’ Union, the University, and beyond.”

The ceremony also saw the presentation of a cheque for just over €12,000 to Gemma Watts, of the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association (IMNDA), which was the SU’s designated RAG charity partner for this academic year. The amount was raised through a series of student-led fundraisers, including specially organised events and competitions, a dedicated RAG Week, and a charity abseil at Smithfield’s iconic Generator Skyview Tower on the May Bank Holiday weekend.

Commending students on their fundraising efforts, Jordan said, “From our students, staff and Officers abseiling off the Skyview Tower in Smithfield, to Officers dressing up in drag, getting hypothermia in a dunk tank and getting thrown off rodeo bulls, it’s safe to say we gave fundraising our all. The amount raised demonstrates the generosity and compassion that exists within our student body, who came together to support such an important cause, and make a real difference in the lives of people today.” The SU President also announced that the RAG Charity Partner for 2023/24 will be the Irish Cancer Society.

TU Dublin Students’ Union confirmed that the full list of award winners for 2022-23 is as follows:

Honorary Membership of The Students’ Union Award – Brian Gormley

Class Rep Award Winners

Student Name  Faculty Total No of Reps Elected 2022/23
Caitlin Cunningham Arts & Humanities 54
Zainib Apako Business 38
Emer Meagher Engineering & Built Environment 53
Joanna Carroll Sciences & Health 46
Éadoain Ó’Snodaigh Computing, Digital & Data 5
Total Number of Individual Class Reps Nominated 196
Total Number of Class Reps Elected in 2022/23 818

Blanchardstown Campus Student of The Year Award  –  Callum Breen
City Campus Student of The Year Award –  Guy Keogh
Tallaght Campus Student of The Year Award –  Katrina Murphy
Welfare and Equality Student of The Year Award –  Robert Brennan Bell
Education Student of The Year Award –  Annabel Biddulph
Events and Engagement Student of The Year Award – Suzanne Doyle Copley and Ella McKeown
Best Fresher Award – Jack Jennings
President’s Award – Jamie O’Neill
Student Council’s Chairperson’s Award -  Konstantin Shramko

TU Dublin SU
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