Be Sound To Your Body | Body Positivity Week


If you don’t know already, Body Positivity Week is happening this week. Organised by Ro, your very own VP Welfare, there are plenty of events to attend and get involved with this week. It’s also the perfect time to spread a little body positivity here too.

With the media’s portrayal of models and women in glossy magazines and such, it’s easy to get caught up in it all and have our self esteems diminished.

It’s important to remember that all body sizes are equally beautiful and you should never feel pressured to changing anything about your body unless you yourself want to do so. Everybody’s body size is different, as we all come in many shapes and sizes. If you have rolls in certain places and you aren’t bothered by it, then you should never let other people make you feel like it’s an issue. On the other hand, if you want to lose a little weight, then go ahead and do so. A lot of times people confuse people who want to lose weight, with not being body positive. Yet it could not be further from the case. The most important thing is to always remember to stay healthy, and if being healthy isn’t being a size 0 for you then that’s perfectly okay too; one size does not fit all!

Being body positive does not make you vain or self-involved. It promotes confidence and good self-esteem, which is important to have for good mental health! It’s also not just exclusive to women- men should always feel good about their bodies as well. And while a lot of the dialogue focuses around sizes, it’s should be noted that positivity does not stop there. Body positivity is about celebrating everybody; whether size 8 or size 14, smooth-faced or acne prone, disabled or not, everybody should be represented and heard.

Thankfully these days, many have made their voices heard, and have not let critiques hold them down. We are seeing more and more inclusion of different types of bodies celebrated in the media. Many body positive women who preach it everyday can be found on Instagram, and while there is still a lot of improvement to make, it’s positive to see the movement grow around us.

The Be Sound to Your Body campaign is run with the DIT Nutrition Society. Mindful eating is always important as it can help keep us healthy and not overindulge (too much). We do need to remember to take care of our bodies and love it as, let’s face it, it’s what holds us together and keeps us going. So it’s important to feed it with good things!

Part of the campaign is an event called Pimp Your Porridge (where you will also receive your own bowl porridge) but if you want to make your own then here are two great places where you can find recipes. One, from the always trustworthy Jamie Oliver here and another from GoodFood here.

This one features many different healthy toppings that you can add to your porridge. It’s a really great thing to have in the mornings; they are good for you and filling! They are also really simple to make. If you want to take some with you in the morning but you have no time to make it, make it the night-beforehand!

There are still plenty of events left on until the 1st of February, you can head over to the Facebook Page to check them out! 

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Visual Artist, student at DIT, and writer for
I've been writing for for 2+ years now, still ongoing
I mainly cover events but also like to write a few helpful, lifestyle pieces and here and there


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